Age of Empires: Chess Style 

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Design Criteria

  • Map: Should be highly symmetrical, having 12x12 "Huge" land squares, surrounded by a water border approximately 2 "Large" squares thick. Should provide elevation to make certain areas of the map more "desirable" to control than others, and so skilled players can maximize unit attack strength by attacking from a higher elevation. Should evenly and fairly distribute elevation throughout. Don't include obstacles like mountains in which units can get stuck.
  • Number of Units: All standard land and water-based military units should be included, (except siege when villagers are not available). Each player should start with ALL standard military units so that any civ choice has the potential to lend an advantage to the game. For example, the Japanese Kataparuto technology is useless without trebs, but a useful civ bonus that, if played well, could alone tip the balance of the game.
  • Unit Flavor:  Units should be BASIC (not elite or heavy, etc.), so that age settings and player civ choice may result in maximum army differentiation at the start of the game. 
  • Heroes: None. Heroes have special attributes not understood by most players, and are not designed to be combined en masse. Villagers can not build hero-strength walls or towers to counter these units. The scenario is designed to allow players to maximize their knowledge of existing unit attributes, not "super" attributes like extra-high hit points or attack. Also, many heroes look exactly like regular units in the game, and that kind of deception can easily cost someone the game.
  • Unit Placement: Units should be rotated (facing the same direction) to ease unit identification and minimize confusion at game start. Cavalry should be able to quickly charge out to intercept incoming enemy units. Weaker units should be protected by stronger units. Placement should reduce or eliminate risk of defeat by a simple enemy rush.
  • Outposts: Each player needs sufficient early warning of enemy movement near one's camp. Each player should be able to see at the beginning of the game (with Castle age technology) where each enemy camp is situated. However, enemy outposts should not be so close to one's camp that they are auto-targeted and destroyed by one's units when the game starts.
  • Villagers: If present, should not be allowed to build buildings that can be used to create more units or research additional technologies.
  • Triggers: No triggers are allowed which result in the granting of any special units, technologies or unit upgrades. The scenario is designed to allow players to maximize their knowledge of existing terrain features, building and unit attributes, not made-up "features" like hidden upgrades, etc. The scenario is complex enough without throwing in these additional features.
  • Regicide: If a player loses one's king, that player should be instantly eliminated from the game, one way or another.
  • Advantages: If an advantage, however slight, is to be given to any of the players at game start (as a result of elevation, unit placement, etc.), the advantage should not be given to the "host" (also known as the "Blue" player). The host usually has more experience playing the game than the other players, which is an advantage in itself.
  • Player Placement: Player #1 should be placed opposite Player #2. Player #3 should be placed opposite Player #4, etc.
  • Colors: Player #1 should be blue, Player #2 should be red, Player #3 should be green, Player #4 should be yellow, etc. Ensemble has yet to fix some of the major trigger-related bugs associated with player color selection in custom scenarios, so it's better just to leave this aspect of the game alone for now.

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